The Fake Brit

lördag 8 november 2008

Waiting for Godo

While I'm waiting for Profy to get the new platform ready I'm concentrating on my Swedish blogs. A friend of mine just started blogging. He writes in Swedsih only but if you read Swedish I reccomend a visit,

You can find him here.

onsdag 10 september 2008

Web 2.0 Makeover

Profy is getting a makeover so I'm backing up my blog. This is quite exciting, at least for me.

I'm a bit of a geek but no techie  so I'm often in awe and wonder over the technical developement in the age we live in. I often judge webservices on the merits of their usefullness and less on merits of the technical solution. As it should be for for majority of  people in the world.

I've taken to Profy because of it's potential as a platform and because I like the Profy voice in the web 2.0 (for want of a better expression) community on FriendFeed, Twitter and other places. 

I think it's good timing to do this after the start particle collider at CERN. I did my laundry yesterday but It would have been better to put it of 'till tomorrow in case I needn't bother :-)

I'm wishing the Profy team all the best for tomorrow and if we're all still here I'll see you after, well, everything.

lördag 30 augusti 2008

Still mobile


I got cought in a meetup after a mushroom excursion.

I'm in the community library where there is free WiFi and books. I've made it a routine to go here and do some writing on Saturdays. There's books and people and it helps me stay in the real world and think about what really matters. Surfing all the social media I get through in a day sometimes makes me feel detached. From the real world.

I think the social web is a great way to extend relationships and stay in touch, make new friends but it can never replace the experience of a face to face meeting. That's why I'm here. With the mushroom people. They ignore me but I got this sneak picture with my laptop webcam.

tisdag 12 augusti 2008

My blog

Here we go again.

The other day I went to update the blog and screwed up the post without saving. Gone! I couldn't get it together to write everything again.

Good riddence! I'm glad I didn't post it because it was a bit to sentimental for my liking. I'm posting a picture instead. Hold on.

Here it is:

Message to gallerists

fredag 8 augusti 2008

Twitter's down - again

For all us Twitter addicts. Found it on Norwegian blog NRKbeta

onsdag 6 augusti 2008

Wordpress för iPhone uppdaterad

Mindpark berättar att iPhoneapplikationen för Wordpress har uppdaterats och nu stöder svenska tecken. En del återstår för att den skall vara perfekt. Vad vi förstår saknas redigering i fullskärmsläge och förhandsvisning men det verkar som om det kommer sådana finesser i version 1.2.

Läs mer på eller gå direkt till Apple Store.

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This is a post from the blog I wirte fo normally. It's  in Swedish so there's not a lot to read if you don't know Swedis. This is about the New wordpress iPhone  app. I got this out of my feed  which is integrated in the Profy blog so this is an experiment and not  regular post

tisdag 5 augusti 2008

Now I'm back

I've spent the weekend with my daughter and granddaughter in the north of Sweden. I told them I'd like us all to live in a big house so I could have them close by, all the time. This would be possible if could agree where to live. I'm not leaving Stockholm and they're happy where they are. That means we have to make long trips. We don't mind because we like traveling. It's a family trait.

My grandparents, on my fathers side, went to Northern China to be missionaries. This is now Xingkiang. They had three children of which the first died. He got sick when they were visiting friends in the dessert. My  grandfather rode as fast as he could but the baby died.

Their second child is my father. He was six when they left in 1938.

This is in our family history. Xingkiang, or Xingjiang means new territory but it's not. The people are Uyghur, related to the Turks. Xingjiang used to be called East Turkey. Before he was six and came back to Sweden my dad refused to speak Swedish. On the trip over the Himalaya's he rode and ate with the Uyghur guides. His younger brother, my uncle, sat in a box strapped to a mule, my dad told me. He said:  "When you're six you ride a horse". Some trip, eh?

So, you see, I come from a family where you're supposed to ride a horse when you're six.  I wish I'd known.

I raced sledge dogs insteada dog named Minna.

My dad is old now and he's sorting through his life. That's how I get to learn these things. Things I wish I'd known when I was younger. I would have shown him more respect instead of thinking he had weird ideas about self-reliance.

We're doing a lot of catching up and having fun doing it. There are no hard feelings between us. Sometimes, we find it difficult to understand each other but now I know more about why. Someday, before I'm to old, I'm going to learn to ride a horse.